Greg Walsh: Champion of the Bush



This is a brief account of Greg Walsh’s over 50-year career as a student, academic, teacher, regional economist, consultant, adviser to the government, media contributor, author, campaigner, political candidate, company director, farmer, and keeper-of-the-precious-written-word.

It is a portrait of Greg’s public face.

Spesifikasi Produk
Penulis: Pat Walsh
Editor: Ining Isaiyas
Perancang sampul: Wendie Artswenda
Penataletak: Bernadetta Esti W. U. 
Kategori: Nonfiksi
Terbit: 20 September 2023
Harga: Rp.000
Tebal:  halaman
Ukuran: 150 mm x 230 mm
Sampul: Softcover
ISBN Digital: 
Usia: 13+
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: KPG

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