“Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a charming fellow. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. The poor should be practical and prosaic. It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. These are the great truths of modern life…..”
“The Model Millionaire” is one of the best narrative by Oscar Wilde. This is a short story that critiques materialism and the value humans place on money. It’s admired for its witty dialogue, clever plot, and social commentary on the class divide in Victorian society. Other masterpieces included in this book are “The Happy Prince,” “The Sphinx without a Secret,” and more.
Spesifikasi Produk
Penulis: Oscar Wilde
Ilustrator Sampul: Fitriana Hadi
Penataletak: Ining Isaiyas
Kategori: Fiksi, Kumpulan Cerpen, Sastra
Terbit: 15 Mei 2024
Harga: Rp49.000
Tebal: 107 halaman
Ukuran: 112 mm x 159 mm
Sampul: Softcover
ISBN: 9786231341600
ISBN Digital: 9786231341617
ID KPG: 592402247
Usia: 15+
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: KPG
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