Little Book World Classic: Mortal Immortal



“Oh expectation, what a frightful thing art thou, when kindled more by fear than hope!”

Mary Shelley, renowned for her groundbreaking novel Frankenstein, also excelled as a short story writer, weaving tales that explore the depths of human emotion and the themes of life, death, and the unknown. Through her concise and evocative storytelling, Shelley captivates readers with her vivid imagination and her ability to infuse ordinary experiences with a sense of wonder and dread. Two of her most important supernatural stories, “The Mortal Immortal” and “Transformation,” are included in this collection, showcasing her mastery of the genre and her enduring literary legacy.

Spesifikasi Produk

Penulis: Mary Shelley
Ilustrator Sampul: Fitriana Hadi
Penataletak: Ining Isaiyas
Kategori: FiksiKumpulan CerpenSastra
Terbit: 26 Juni 2024
Harga: Rp49.000
Tebal: 116 halaman
Ukuran: 112 mm x 159 mm
Sampul: Softcover
ISBN: 9786231342287
ISBN Digital: 9786231342270
ID KPG: 592402284
Usia: 15+
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: KPG

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