Let’s delve into the stories of Elliot the dragon, Audrielle the yellow ladybug, Devar the snake, Lasi the ant, and Mola the colourful hedgehog.
Make them come true by crafting them yourselves!
A book consists of five animal stories
Five craft project’s materials
Improve literary skills
Boost children’s cognitive skills
Develop fine motor skills
Teaches problem-solving skills
Improves concentration level
Develop creativity
Provide quality time with parents
Spesifikasi Produk
Kreator: Yenny Sutanto & Adinda Dwitya
Penulis: Veronica Widyastuti & Yenny Sutanto
Penerjemah (ke bahasa Inggris): Dian Savitri
Editor: Pradikha Bestari
Perancang Sampul: Erna Yulia
Ilustrator: Adjat Sudradjat & Amor
Perancang Konten: Pinahayu Parvati
Kategori: Fiksi, Buku Anak
Terbit: 6 November 2024
Harga: Rp150.000
Tebal: 48 halaman
Ukuran: 210 mm x 297 mm
Sampul: Softcover (BOX SET)
ISBN: 9786231342782
ID KPG: 592402322
Bahasa: Inggris
Usia: 4+
Penerbit: Kiddo
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Buku Terkait
#TinyHandsProjects #YennySutanto #Fiksi #BukuAnak #PenerbitKiddo #PenerbitKPG