Chances, Spelled in Poetry



Here’s to all the seconds spent waiting for a text that never comes,
to all the years searching for the one that gets away, finding the right person and doing all the wrong things,
to the love you lost in the winds of time and comes back lifetimes later, 
to the strings of chances and fates that tie us together.

Spesifikasi Produk

Penulis: Helena Natasha
Ilustrator Sampul: Kurniawan Ho Wijaya
Editor: Katrine Gabby Kusuma
Penataletak: Teguh Erdyan
Kategori: Fiksi, Puisi
Terbit: 29 Mei 2024
Harga: Rp125.000
Tebal: 174 halaman
Ukuran: 120 mm x 165 mm

Sampul: Hardcover
ISBN: 9786231341945
ID KPG: 592402269
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: POP

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#ChancesSpelledinPoetry #HelenaNatasha #Fiksi #Puisi #PenerbitPOP #PenerbitKPG