Chasing Unicorns: In Search of Fool’s Gold



Chasing Unicorns: In Search of Fool’s Gold is a candid exploration of the intricate venture capital landscape in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. 

It’s an insider’s perspective that offers a unique and comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem’s volatile nature. Nicko Widjaja, a seasoned professional in the startup investment realm, shares firsthand experiences, insights, and revelations about the challenges and opportunities that define this dynamic sector.

The narrative unfolds to depict the dramatic rise and fall of tech startups in the region, spotlighting their devolution from ‘unicorns’ to ‘centaurs’, exploring the multifaceted implications of this shift. Widjaja presents a thoughtful examination of the domino effect that both entrepreneurs and investors initiate within the industry. 

In the pursuit of unicorns, the reader is confronted with harsh realities: the lack of transparency, sudden shifts in deal agreements, and market-specific hurdles. Yet, interwoven within these dramas, is a tale of potential and hope, underscoring the importance of good governance and strategy overhaul in fixing the industry for the better. 

Chasing Unicorns: In Search of Fool’s Gold captures the unpredictable terrain of Southeast Asian venture capital, demystifying the quest for unicorn investments and the realities that lie beneath the pursuit.

Spesifikasi Produk

Penulis: Nicko Widjaja
Proofreader: Sebastian Partogi
Editor: Ardi Widarna & Sekar Ayu Massie
Perancang Sampul: Thinking*Room
Penataletak: Ellen Halim
Kategori: Nonfiksi, Bisnis
Terbit: 2 Agustus 2023
Harga: Rp150.000
Tebal: 236 halaman
Ukuran: 140 mm x 210 mm
Sampul: Hardcover
ISBN: 9786231340344
ISBN Digital: 9786231340351
ID KPG: 592302162
Usia: 15+
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: KPG

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#ChasingUnicorns #NickoWidjaja #Nonfiksi #Bisnis #PenerbitKPG