Angelina Enny is a writer from Kotabumi, Lampung, who currently lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her work, Nokturnal Melankolia (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2017), is on the Longlist of Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa 2018 and has been adapted to a series of monologues: Melakoni Nokturnal Melankolia (Galeri Indonesia Kaya, 2018), and a theatre performance: Melankolia (Teater Salihara, 2018). She is the co-founder of Teater Kedai (Jakarta) and active in theatre as a scriptwriter, actor, director, and producer. Muhammad Yamin-Bahasa Bangsa (Galeri Indonesia Kaya, 2018) is one of her production; it is a performance based on a collection of poems. With Robin Block—Dutch artist, she published a poetry book: In Between, Di Antara (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2019) for Life and Idea Festival programme, organized by Dutch Culture, Indisch Herinneringscentrum, and Komunitas Salihara, and performed it as: Sebuah Antara, A Passage (Galeri Salihara, 2019); it is a mix performance between text, visual, music, and pencak silat. She was a panelist for Decolonising the Mind with Goenawan Mohamad in Winternachten Festival (The Haag, 2020). Her script idea The Fifteenth Night is on the Longlist of Jakarta Film Fund 2021. On 2022, she with Indah Darmastuti (founder of were became writers-in-residence of Inspirational Women for St. Brigid’s Day, organized by the Embassy of Ireland in Indonesia.
#Penulis #AngelinaEnny #InBetweenDiAntara #PenerbitKPG